Leaders in Environmental Services Since 2009

Costa Verde Resources LLC

Our Main Services:

We offer assistance with air permitting for oil and gas industrial sites as well as data and record keeping compliance.

We provide turn-key emission testing services per local and federal protocols. Our highly skilled team of technicians provide a wide range of services including tuning, testing and LDAR.

Engine troubles? We can help! Our dedicated sales team will work closely with you to understand what your engine(s) need to function properly and meet emissions standards. Our teams can provide catalyst & compressor part sizing, sales and installation. We also provide insulation fitting and installation.


At Costa Verde Resources LLC, our goal is to provide the oil industry with sustainable solutions focused on protecting and preserving our local ecosystems, the people and animals who share them and to promote economic growth in the process. Our mission is to meet this goal with integrity, reliability and unparalleled customer service.

Emissions Testing



Catalyst Parts





Field Services

Emissions Testing LDAR Insulation Catalyst Parts Tuning Permitting Reporting Compliance Field Services

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